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Versona Systems LLC delivers leading-edge enterprise mobility and wireless solutions to clients. We provide hardware, software, consulting, and technical services, including wireless networking, RFID, systems integration, mobile solutions, and automated data collection.

Our value lies in our extensive industry experience and our proven and experienced management team. We are thinkers and doers, providing expertise in business reengineering with a successful record of large product and program implementations.  Our mission is to be your go-to company for mobility solutions. We are creative engineers with our own experts in-house.

We are proud to fulfill the mobile computing needs for a variety of Fortune 5000 companies. Our primary markets include manufacturing, retail and distribution, and health care.


1988 – Datascan Technologies, Inc. Founded

  • Predecessor firm to Versona Systems
  • Provided hardware and software products
  • Pioneer in the Houston area in the sale and service of bar coding and scanning technology and solutions.

2006 – Versona Systems LLC Founded

  • Formed with new capital and new management
  • Broadened market focus with expertise of additional professionals

Ken Howery, CEO, was a partner for many years with Ernst & Young and has a strong consulting background. At Ernst & Young, he led the design and deployment of several bar coding solutions for manufacturing companies. Ken is a CPA and a former PMP and has led numerous multi-million dollar integration projects for Fortune 100 firms.

Certified Professionals

Versona Systems is committed to offering high quality professional IT services. For this reason our staff is in a continuous learning and certification process, partnering with top-leading companies such as Microsoft, Cisco, Zebra and others.