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leased-line-replacementSeems like every day there’s yet another advancement in technology that improves the way we conduct business. Computers keep getting smaller, faster, and less expensive. The same is true for network technologies and implementations. Today we can replace carrier provided, short-haul leased lines with far less expensive wireless point-to-point (PTP) or point-to-multipoint (PTMP) networks. These new technologies provide fiber-like performance with the reliability and security you demand and at a fraction of the cost.

You have a couple of options for extending your corporate network to this new building:

1. You call the local telecom carrier and order a fiber-based circuit, or
2. You install an 80 GHz gigabit wireless link between the two sites

Now let’s look at the advantages of using the PTP wireless link over the more traditional leased circuit. The PTP network:

  • Eliminates recurring lease costs – and this will probably drive your ROI inside of 1 year!
  • Eliminates leased line provisioning costs
  • May eliminate protocol conversions requiring expensive edge devices depending on the type of circuit(s) the telecom specifies
  • Installation time is reduced from months to days
  • You maintain control and visibility of your network instead of having a piece of your network contracted to an external source
  • Because of the PTP link performance, there are also intangible savings that can be achieved such as the ability to centralize servers and staff

Versona Systems can work with you to take advantage of these incredible cost effective technologies.

We are partnered with the industry’s best PTP network vendors (BridgeWave Communications, Cambium Networks, etc.) so you can be assured that only quality components are used in the design of your PTP or PTMP links. Of course, we utilize Link Budget Calculation to quantify the link’s performance while accounting for power, gains, and losses at both the transmitter and receiver ends of the link(s). This will ensure that you’re getting the most from your new PTP or PTMP network.

If you’d like to know more about Versona Systems capabilities in PTP or PTMP network leased line replacement, please contact 713-654-8200 or

Certified Professionals

Versona Systems is committed to offering high quality professional IT services. For this reason our staff is in a continuous learning and certification process, partnering with top-leading companies such as Microsoft, Cisco, Zebra and others.