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Do you wonder if your mobile application is too thick or thin?

Are you worried that if you lose network connectivity you won’t be able to continue working?

What kind of performance is reasonable for your mobile application?

Are you concerned with how your company’s data remains secure on a mobile device?

Is your mobile application targeted for your client’s devices (O/S, Screen Size, I/O capabilities, network connectivity options, etc.)?

Versona Systems is aware that application development for the mobile environment is different, often challenging, and requires special skills. There is a different mindset involved when developing software for the mobile environment. Even the factors that drive the application’s design are different.

You are correct to be concerned.

Versona Systems has been designing and deploying mobile applications since our inception; you could say it’s in our DNA. We provide total life-cycle services from planning through implementation and on-going support. We are also acutely aware of your need for an enterprise mobility solution that can be specified and implemented very quickly and cost effectively. Therefore, in addition to having an experienced staff, our developers use state-of-the-art, mobile-specific integrated development environments (IDE) like MobileFrame, Xamarin, and Visual Studio. Using development tools like these can practically eliminate the need to code for many of the afore mentioned concerns as they already have built-in support for cross-platform compatibility, network connectivity tolerance, back-end system integration, and Mobile Device Management (MDM).

We understand the technologies, but maybe more importantly we understand the environments where these applications live and the user expectations for these applications.  For more information please contact Versona Systems at 713-654-8200 or

Certified Professionals

Versona Systems is committed to offering high quality professional IT services. For this reason our staff is in a continuous learning and certification process, partnering with top-leading companies such as Microsoft, Cisco, Zebra and others.