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No additional SAP components are required to be purchased, or installed into the SAP landscape. The solution allows barcode scanners, RFID, and other automated data collection devices to be integrated into your SAP environment faster, cheaper, and with lower risk.

SAP transactions:

  • Fit nicely into the limited screen space of a mobile computer,
  • Combine fields from multiple CRT screens or multiple systems into one small mobile computer screen,
  • Control the information displayed to the user’s sign on, and
  • Do not affect the configuration of the corporate SAP system.

User-Specific Cycle Counting Solutions

One of the best examples to discuss is cycle counting. Many large organizations spend considerable resources to do periodic cycle counts. Normally, this requires clipboards, printouts and considerable manual data entry, and recounts are common. With the Versona Systems solution, we can display a custom, user-specific set of information on the screen of the mobile computer, and the user enters his counts directly into the screen. The ROI for this situation is often quite large.

Bar Code Media and Bar Code Formats

With our business reengineering skills, our software, a solid wireless network, and the proper asset tags, our customers report excellent increases in productivity and accuracy.

Below are the SAP transactions that we support:

Goods Receipt / Issues:

MB01-101/102 – Goods Receipt for Purchase Order (Reversal)
MIGO-101 – Goods Receipt for Purchase Order
MB1C-501 – Goods Receipt without Purchase Order
MB1A-201/201 – Goods Issue to Cost Center (Reversal)
MB1A-261/262 –Goods Issue to Work Order (Reversal)
MB1A-921 – Goods Issue to Service Order
MB1A-261 – Goods Issue to Production Order
MB31-101 – Goods Receipt for Production Order

Transfer Posting:

MB1B-301 – Transfer Posting Plant to Plant
MB1B-309 – Transfer Posting Material to Material
MB1B-311 –Transfer Posting Storage Location to Storage Location
LT01 – Create Transfer Orders Bin to Bin
LT12 – Picking for Transfer Orders
LT12 – Putaway for Transfer Orders

Stock Inquiries:

MMBE – Stock Inquiry IM
LS24 – Bin Stock per Material

Physical Inventory:

MI04 – Physical Inventory Cycle Count
MI05 – Physical Inventory Recount
MI04/MI05 – Combo Count and Recount
MI09 – Physical Inventory Count without Reference

Production / Manufacturing Orders:

MB1A-261 – Goods Issue to Production Order
MB31-101 – Goods Receipt for Production Order
CO11N – Production Order Confirmation for Time Tickets
CO15 – Production Order Confirmation on Header Level

Outbound Delivery:

VL01N – Create Outbound Delivery for Sales Order
VL01N – Create Outbound Deliver for Stock Transport Order
VL02N – Outbound Delivery Confirmation

Plant Maintenance / MRO:

IW21 – Create maintenance notification
IW22 – Maintenance notification update
IW31 – Create maintenance orders
IW32 – Update work orders
IW34 – Create maintenance orders from notification
IW3K – Add components to work orders
IW41 – Time confirmation for work orders
IH03 – Equipment Search
IW23 – Notification Search
IW33 – Order Search
MB1A-261/262 –Goods Issue to Work Order (Reversal)
MB1A-921 – Goods Issue to Service Order
MM02 – Set Bin Location

Fixed Assets:

Create / Update Fixed Asset
Inventory Fixed Asset
Transfer Fixed Asset – Intra Company
Transfer Fixed Asset – Inter Company
Retire Fixed Asset without Revenue
Retire Fixed Asset with Revenue
Block Fixed Asset
Delete Fixed Asset
Download Fixed Asset Inventory List
Missing Fixed Asset Inventory List
Inventoried Fixed Asset Inventory List
Blocked Fixed Asset Inventory List
Retired Fixed Asset Inventory List

If you’d like to know more about Versona Systems capabilities in transactions, please contact 713-654-8200 or

Certified Professionals

Versona Systems is committed to offering high quality professional IT services. For this reason our staff is in a continuous learning and certification process, partnering with top-leading companies such as Microsoft, Cisco, Zebra and others.