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Or maybe a complete accounting of all implants used during an operating room procedure?

These are both examples of what the industry calls Traceability. Versona Systems has been providing traceability solutions to its clients for well over 10 years.
Why are traceability solutions important? Let’s spotlight the two examples above and examine this question.

Now let’s examine the operating room procedure. The motivation for the use of traceability systems in this environment is primarily to improve patient safety by guaranteeing 100% traceability of, in this case, the medical implants used to treat patients. Secondarily to provide both the hospital and the medical device manufacturer with better audit controls of the implants used during this procedure. The custom traceability solution that Versona created has successfully addressed these needs with a “simple to use” system combining automated identification and data collection (AIDC), database, and cloud technologies. This multilingual traceability system has been deployed to hospitals throughout the world.

For both of these solutions, Versona Systems has provided help desk support services 7 days a week, 24 hours a day for the last several years.

If your business has traceability requirements, either internally driven or via government mandates, and you’re looking for an experienced partner to provide assistance to your staff or if your preference is to find a vendor that can implement a “turn-key” traceability solution for you, Versona Systems has the technology experts and more than a decade of industry experience.

If you’d like to know more about Versona Systems capabilities in traceability, please contact 713-654-8200 or

Certified Professionals

Versona Systems is committed to offering high quality professional IT services. For this reason our staff is in a continuous learning and certification process, partnering with top-leading companies such as Microsoft, Cisco, Zebra and others.