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Get Started with Azure Linux Distribution on Microsoft Azure

Get Started with Azure Linux Distribution on Microsoft Azure

If you’re like most business owners, your applications are critical to your success. You need them to run quickly, reliably, and securely. You don’t want to have to worry about the underlying infrastructure or manage complicated IT tasks. Azure provides you with a secure, reliable, and convenient way to run your Linux distributions on the cloud. With Azure’s cloud-based application management solutions, you can do […]

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Simplify your cloud migration and modernization journey with Microsoft Azure

Simplify your cloud migration and modernization journey with Microsoft Azure

Digitization is a driving priority for business leaders worldwide, whether in retail, healthcare, manufacturing, financial services—or any other industry. And over the last decade and more, cloud has proved to be vital in realizing digital transformation agendas. Today, as the world transitions into our post-pandemic reality, it’s clear that cloud continues to be instrumental in helping businesses accelerate digital strategies. Many organizations realize cloud is […]

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Certified Professionals

Versona Systems is committed to offering high quality professional IT services. For this reason our staff is in a continuous learning and certification process, partnering with top-leading companies such as Microsoft, Cisco, Zebra and others.