Advancement of the health sector with RFID Technology


RFID is a technology that allows us to work in a more efficient and intelligent way, in favor of the patient

It is true that RFID is more associated with the industrial sector or retail, but today we have seen that it has great benefits for the health sector, thanks to the efficiency and speed of its results.

A system that promises to manage things in the health sector like never.

The number of utilities that RFID offers to the health sector is increasing, it is completely changing what we knew as hospital order.




RFID can offer you a complete scan of your patient from the moment he enters the door of the health center until he leaves through it, the patient carries with him a label with a unique code, which allows knowing both his status and the medication he is taking. It has been administered both during his visit to the center and before arriving at it, as well as the interventions that have been necessary.




Hospital and surgical material

All those used during interventions, both by professionals and patients, both textiles and surgical or patient care material, need to carry out rigorous hygiene and sterilization.

To control it, RFID tags are the best solution as they allow these movements to be recorded and, furthermore, thanks to their robustness, they can be used in complicated environments.



Reports and medications



Those that have an RFID tag will have all the data recorded, which can be updated instantly, which drastically reduces errors and obtains information in real time, from any point.



RFID tools for the health sector

RFID tags: that have special tags, capable of withstanding the harshest work environments.

RFID printers: to be able to have, at the moment, the RFID tag that gives you the security that your work environment needs.

RFID readers: for reading RFID tags, which can be portable or fixed.

RFID antennas: with the aim of being able to read the maximum number of labels possible


Versona Systems can offer you the best RFID products from our suppliers, and we can combine it with our flagship platform RainVue that takes RFID technology to another level.

It is certified to work with any product

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